Marine Non-Metal Materials >> Panel System >> Marine Plywood >> Batic Brich PlywoodBatic Birch Plywood
Product Name Batic Birch Plywood
Product No. Thickness Number Of Piles Weight
MMDE600-BB001 4 mm 3 19 lbs
MMDE600-BB002 6 mm 5 25 lbs
MMDE600-BB003 9 mm 5 37 lbs
MMDE600-BB004 12 mm 7 50 lbs
MMDE600-BB005 18 mm 11 72 lbs
Batic Birch. 7 ply 1/2" thickness, made with phenolic (waterproof glue).This marine plywood is ideal for interior parts. It does not bend well and should be used exclusively for flat panels: soles, bulkheads etc.

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