Magnet Lifter >> Universal Permanent Magnet Lifter
Product Name
Universal Permanent Magnet Lifter
1.Use to lift and transport steel and iron for factories, docks, warehouses, transportation.
2.Turning the manual Handle activates or turns off the magnet.
3.Turning the manual Handle activates or turns off the magnet.
4.makes it easy and safe to operate. Effective for long periods With no need for a power supply.
Product No. Rated lifting strength(kg) Cylindrical lifting strength(kg) Max. pull-off strength(kg) W(mm) L(mm) H(mm) I(mm) Operation temperature (¡æ) Dead weight(kg)
MHAE0172-UP001 100 50 350 62 92 67 126 <80 3
MHAE0172-UP002 300 150 1050 92 162 91 155 <80 10
MHAE0172-UP003 600 300 2100 122 232 117 196 <80 24
MHAE0172-UP004 1000 500 3500 176 258 163 285 <80 50
MHAE0172-UP005 2000 1000 7000 234 378 212 426 <80 125
MHAE0172-UP006 3000 1500 10500 286 458 261 521 <80 220
MHAE0172-UP007 6000 3000 19200 296 720 266 700 <80 398

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