Marine Ballast Water Treatment System >> Electrolysis Treatment >> Electrolysis Ballast Water Treatment System
Product Name Marine Ballast Water Treatment System
Technical Data
Product No. Treatment Flow Rate To Required Power(AC.KVA) Dimension(mm)
Capacity(mm) Electrolyzer£¨Μ³/hr) Electrolysis Unit Filter
MPPE105-EN001 100-300 6 15 3000×600×800 2500×1800×2200
MPPE105-EN002 301-500 6 25 3300×600×800 2600×1800×2300
MPPE105-EN003 501-1000 12 50 3300×600×800 2900×2300×2200
MPPE105-EN004 1001-1500 20 75 3400×800×1070 3000×2600×2100
MPPE105-EN005 1501-2000 20 100 3300×1500×800 3300×2500×2200
MPPE105-EN006 2001-2500 36 125 3400×1800×1070 3500×2900×2400
MPPE105-EN007 2501-3000 36 150 3400×1800×1070 3500×2900×2400
MPPE105-EN008 3001-3500 36 175 3400×1800×1070 3800×2400×2500
MPPE105-EN009 3501-4000 36 200 3500×3300×770 3800×2400×2600
MPPE105-EN010 4001-5000 45 250 3500×3600×770 4000×2800×2600
Main Features¡¡
1.Treatment approach, low capital cost,low operating cost
2.Ease of installation
3.Suitabble for hazardous cargo area installations
5.Easy to operate,operator safe
6.Performance versatility,superior performance
Component Introduction
1.Filtration ---The ballast water is filtrated by an automatic backwashing filter with 50µm screen to remove marine organisms larger than 50µm.
2.Disinfection --- A small side stream of the filtered ballast water is delivered to the electrolytic unit to generate the oxidants of high concentration (mainly sodium ) then the oxidants are injected back into the main ballast stream to provide effective disinfection Sodium hypochlorite solution as a very effective germicide can be kept in ballast water for a certain period to effectively kill the plankton, spores, larvae and pathogens,contained in the ballast water to meet D-2 standard.
3.Neutralization --- The residual TRO level of the treated ballast water below 0.1ppm then the treated ballast water can be directly discharged.If the residual TRO level of the treated ballast water over 0.1ppm, neutralizer (sodium thiosulfate solution) is added into the de-ballast pipe to neutralize residual oxidants instantly automat-ically.

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